The Alveoli and Gas Exchange

As you know friends diffusion is the movement of materials from a higher to a lower concentration. The differences between oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations are measured by partial pressures.

Respiratory pigments increase the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. Humans have the red-colored pigment hemoglobin as their respiratory pigment. Hemoglobin increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood between 65 and 70 times.

respiratory system presentation

A healthy person breathes through the nose with 1 / 2 liter of air, with more breathing (respiration) can be up to 2.5 liters, With every breath transport the bronchi the inhaled air into the lungs approximately 300 million vesicles (alveoli).

There is a gas exchange of oxygen from the air and carbon dioxide from the blood of the blood vessels of the lungs instead. Breathing (respiration), also known as external respiration is called, consists of the phases of inhalation (inspiration) and exhalation (expiration).

During inhalation, the body via the lungs oxygen bubbles, the bubbles on the lung wall against carbon dioxide is exchanged. The carbon dioxide is exhaled.

interesting facts things about respiratory system

Each lung contains 300-350 million respiratory units called alveoli making it a total of 700 million in both lungs. More than half a liter of water per day is lost through breathing.
We breathe 13 pints of air every minute. People under 30 years of age take in double the amount of oxygen in comparison to a 80 year old.

High Elevation Respiration

High Elevation Respiration video videos..
At higher elevations, the respiratory system has to work harder to pull in the amount of oxygen necessary for survival from the environment. To watch the video click here or go to :

reasons to give up smoking

Reasons to give up, quit smoking immediately:
Even one cigarette slows down your cilia. Heavy smoking kills the cilia.
Mucus and dirt pile up and germs don't get swept out. Smokers get sick more often than non-smokers.
Tar sticks to the insides of your lungs and can cause cancer.
Nicotine (a drug in tobacco) makes your blood vessels smaller. That means your heart has to work harder to pump the blood.
A very dangerous gas called carbon monoxide is in cigarette smoke. It is also found in car exhaust! It gets into your blood and doesn't let the oxygen in. That means your heart has to work even harder to get enough oxygen for your cells.

atmospheric air composition

Composition of atmospheric air and expired air in a typical subject.
Note that only a fraction of the oxygen inhaled is taken up by the lungs.
Component Atmospheric Air (%) Expired Air (%)
N2 (plus inert gases) 78.62 74.9
O2 20.85 15.3
CO2 0.03 3.6
H2O 0.5 6.2
100.0% 100.0%