mechanishm of breating espiration

Respiratory system is consists of taking breathing oxygen from the air and give off carbon dioxide that is produced in cells.

They have three phases:
1. Exchange in the lungs.
2. The transport of gases.
3. Respiration in cells and tissues.

The air enters the lungs and out of them by breathing movements :
Inspiration in the air enters the lungs because they swell to increase the volume of the rib cage. This is because the diaphragm descends and the ribs are lifted.
Espiration in the air is thrown to the outside because the lungs are compressed to reduce the size of the rib cage, as the diaphragm and ribs return to their normal position.
Really great mechanism for respiratory system. Its amazing..

respiratory system

The breath serves two successive stages, carried out to the muscular action of the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles, it is controlled by the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata. In inspiration, the diaphragm is contracted and the intercostal muscles rise and widen the ribs.

The rib cage volume gains and penetrates outside air to fill this space. During the exhalation, the diaphragm relaxes and the ribs down and move inland. The rib cage diminishes their ability and lungs leak air outwards. Body needs oxygen and removes carbon dioxide or carbon dioxide gas.

bronchioles alveoli air sacs

As you know breathing is an involuntary and automatic process, controlled by pns. It extracts oxygen from the air inspired and expel waste gases with the breath.

The air is inhaled through the nose then it heated and moistened and moves on to the pharynx, larynx and continues to penetrate into the trachea. In the middle of the chest, the trachea is divided into two bronchi which are divided again, again and again, bronchus in secondary, tertiary, and, finally, some 250,000 bronchioles.

At the end of the bronchioles are grouped in clusters of alveoli, small air sacs, where the exchange of gases in the blood. The lungs contain about 300 million alveoli, which deployed occupy an area of 70 square meters, about 40 times the size of the skin